The Partridge Green Players has a long history of putting on productions twice a year in May and November at the Partridge Green Village Hall. The Players are a small friendly group of people, of all ages, who welcome newcomers to join in all our activities, whether social or performing, backstage or front of house.
One way to get involved on a more informal basis is to join us at our regular play reading sessions. We hold these at The Partridge Pub on the first Monday of the month from 7.30pm onwards. We grab a drink and then sit around as a group reading through the play. It’s a good way to meet the members of the group and try out a part or two without having to get up on stage, and you get to meet new people!
In addition, we organise social outings as a group to see other local amateur dramatic groups perform, and some fun evenings out, such as skittles at The Bull pub in Shermanbury. We also have summer party hosted by one of our members. So there is plenty to get involved with.
If you decide to join us, there is an annual fee of £10, however the Play Reading evenings are free.