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Upcoming Events Calendar

Elizabeth Robins of Backsettown POSTPONED
SORRY, THIS EVENT IS POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The Small Dole Tuesday group welcome Alan Barwick to their first evening talk of 2025: Elizabeth Robins of…
Green Gardening Group
Join us at the Henfield Haven for the Haven Green Gardening Group. Gardening can be wonderfully addictive and it's so good for your health and wellbeing.…

Mainly Music
Mainly Music is a weekly, 2 hour programme for pre-school aged children run by Henfield Evangelical Free Church The 30 minute music sessions are full of songs…

Henfield Badminton Club
We are a small friendly group of very mixed abilities who play Tuesday evenings at the Leisure Centre from 7-8pm. We have two courts running, and currently…

Intergenerational Music Fun
Hosted at Red Oaks Care Home and bringing pre-schoolers and their parents together with older adults who love the energy of little ones! No singing or music…

Community Sing-Along
Hosted at Red Oaks Care Home, a new weekly Community Sing-Along session, open to everyone. No singing or music experience is necessary, the sessions are…

Knit and Natter
Henfield Library invite you to come along with your knitting, crocheting, quilting etc, for a fun and friendly social afternoon. There is no tuition or cost,…

Bump to Baby Postnatal Drop-in
Our volunteer run postnatal drop-ins are specifically for new parents (i.e. parents of pre-crawling babies) and provide support and an opportunity to socialise…

Aid for Ukraine Collections
Henfield collections for the Hope & Aid Direct shipments of aid to Ukraine. Please spread the word to any friends, society or group that you belong to. If you…

Parkinson's Café
If you have Parkinsons and wish to meet up with others, come along to the Henfield Haven Café on the last Wednesday of every month between 10.30am-11.45am for…

Wellbeing Workshop
As part of Henfield's Year of Care & Wellbeing, we invite you to join our FREE Wellbeing talk & meet up. Come along and hear from Susie Russell-Smith on how to…

Henfield Computer Club
The Henfield Computer Club meet every Wednesday. Whether you’re an existing member or someone wishing to join, we look forward to welcoming you. If you have…

Book Nook
Visit us at the Chapel, Fulking, to discover a wide range of good quality second-hand books, CDs, and DVDs. All proceeds will go to St Andrew's Church,…

Walking Netball
Walking Netball group at Henfield Leisure Centre on Wednesday mornings (11am-12pm) costing only £5 per session. Brought to you by two specially trained Walking…

Pickleball drop-in sessions
Come along to the Henfield Leisure Centre to try our new indoor bat and ball game, Pickleball, for a Wednesday evening drop-in session under the guidance of…

Zumba Gold with Jo
Zumba Gold with Jo is specially designed to offer a low-impact workout that doesn’t compromise on the fun factor. Say goodbye to the days of high-intensity…