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Featured Clubs & Groups
The Henfield Club
Situated in the heart of the village, The Henfield Club has existed for over 100 years. The Club has a well stocked bar and facilities that include two…
- 01273 009519
- thehenfieldclub@gmail.com
- facebook.com

Henfield Theatre Company
The Henfield Theatre Company is a vibrant amateur dramatic society, based in the village. We present four or five productions each year including plays,…
- 07881 906546
- membership@henfieldtheatrecompany.com
- henfieldtheatrecompany.com
- X

The Henfield Shed
Henfield Shed has been active in the village since 2017. We were first located in the garage behind Stokes and after 12 months we moved into the High Street,…
- 07770 935709
- info@henfieldshed.org.uk
- henfieldshed.org.uk

Henfield Joggers
We are a friendly, informal running club based in Henfield, West Sussex, who meet at Henfield Leisure Centre each Wednesday evening for a friendly, chatty,…
- 07860 391403
- enquiries@henfieldjoggers.co.uk
- henfieldjoggers.co.uk

Walking Netball
Do you want to keep fit and have fun whilst you’re doing it? Do you enjoy being part of a team? Did you enjoy playing netball at school (how ever many years…
- 01273 494984
- HenfieldWalkingNetball@gmail.com
- henfieldleisurecentre.co.uk

Henfield BP Guild
We are the Henfield branch of the BP (Baden Powell) Guild, a nationwide organisation of which Henfield is the largest regional group. We are a friendly,…
- 07775 506631
- rlaughton@aerco.co.uk
- Henfieldbpguild.org.uk

Henfield Art Club
We are a friendly art club with over 50 members and welcome new and experienced artists of all abilities and painting styles. We also invite guests to join us…
- chair@henfieldartclub.co.uk
- henfieldartclub.co.uk
Haven Green Garden Group
The Haven Green Garden Group is a fortnightly gardening group at the Haven in Henfield. Gardening can be wonderfully addictive and it's so good for your health…
- 01273 492595
- liz-hodgson@hotmail.co.uk
- henfieldhaven.org

Community Sing-Along
Hosted at Red Oaks Care Home, a weekly Community Sing-Along session, open to everyone. No singing or music experience is necessary, the sessions are completely…
- henfieldcp.info@gmail.com
- henfieldcp.net

Bump to Baby Postnatal
Our postnatal drop-in sessions are organised by Henfield Bump to Baby Plus volunteer team who also run Antenatal courses and Messy Monkeys playgroup. The…
- henfieldbumptobaby@gmail.com
- henfieldbumptobabyplus.org

Henfield Area Response Team (HART)
HART (Henfield Area Response Team) was formed in 2005 and is one of the first emergency responder units in the UK. We are a group of trained volunteers who…
- 07879 844147
- kas.fletcher@outlook.com
- henfieldresponders.org.uk

St Peter's Little Fishes
At St. Peter's Church. For pre-school children and their carers. Storytime, songs and refreshments. A chance to meet new people and play.
- 01273 495532
- admin@henfield.org
- henfield.org