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Walking Netball

Wednesdays at 11am-12pm

Do you want to keep fit and have fun whilst you’re doing it? Do you enjoy being part of a team? Did you enjoy playing netball at school (how ever many years ago that was!)? 

We have set up a new Walking Netball group at Henfield Leisure Centre on Wednesday mornings (11am-12pm) costing only £5 per session.

Brought to you by two specially trained Walking Netball Hosts (Jane and Vanessa), the physical and mental benefits are endless. Walking Netball is very similar to the regular game - we don’t run or jump. but we still get a great workout. We are a very sociable group and would love to welcome some new faces - it doesn’t matter what shape, size, age or ability you are, you will be supported all the way. If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please email Jane and Vanessa at

We may be able to also run a weekend session if there are enough people interested so please let us know.