The Woodmancote and Henfield WI (Women's Institute) are a thriving group, who have been in existence in the village, since 1981.
Women of all ages are welcome to join us. You may like to pop along to one of our meetings as a visitor at first, to find out more about becoming a full member.
We usually welcome a speaker at our meetings, and we aim to cover a wide range of interesting topics in our Programme. We end our meetings with some social time when we enjoy a cup of tea and cake! In addition, we have groups for members to join, such as walking, craft and Scrabble, and we are always open to further suggestions which might prove to be popular. We have an elected Committee to lead the group locally, and hold an Annual meeting when there are opportunities for new members to join the Committee.
There is an annual subscription, payable after 3 meetings as a visitor, with a reduced rate should you decide to join during any current year. The Women’s Institute is a national organisation for women, made up of County Federations – ours being the West Sussex Federation, based in Chichester. We aim to make a difference to people’s lives, both nationally and internationally, by education and the promotion of topics of particular concern, via a Resolutions procedure arranged by the National Federation.
The WI also provides a programme of online sessions, on a wide variety of interests, under its Denman at Home scheme, which members may access at home at a minimal cost. (This proved very popular during recent lockdown periods when we were unable to meet normally).
We look forward to welcoming visitors and new members to our meetings.