Breast Cancer Now Charity Fundraising Evening at the Post House Cafe. Come and join us from 7pm, no booking required. We will be serving an assortment of alcoholic beverages, including a "Pink Cocktail" and a selection of wine, beer and spirits.
Raffle – We have some amazing prizes including an £50 M&S voucher, local health and beauty vouchers, original artwork, hampers and loads more. All donated by local business and people. Fun and games to be had on the night, come down and join in the fun!
With thanks to the following amazing raffle prizes generously donated by:
Ali Baddar, BN5 Gallery, BN5 Magazine, Coles Automotive, Goodness, Grommets, Henfield Football Club, Jasmine’s Florist, Jeremy’s, The Henfield Post Office, Pretty’s, Setfords Solicitors, Slimming World Steyning, Solus Hair, South Downs Butchery, Stokes, The White Hart.
Raffle tickets £1 each, or £5 a strip, available on the night.