Join The Steyning & District u3a for a Plant Swap and to find out more information on the group.
The Steyning & District u3a ‘Tea & Plant Swap’ is free for u3a members and non-members alike. Not only is this a plant swap, but it’s a good way to find out what the u3a has to offer those who have retired from full time work. Joining the u3a is a great way to share your interests with other like-minded people, learn new things and make new friends.
With around 400 members and some 50 interest groups, our members share a wide range of learning and leisure activities, from the Arts, Music, Languages and Discussion groups to Wine Appreciation and many more.
If you have any plants that are surplus to your needs, why not bring them along to the Coombe Court at the Steyning Centre? Not only will you find a good home for your unwanted plants, but you might find a new plant for your garden.