Henfield Joggers Seven Stiles Fun Runs - Sunday 27th July
We may not have had full sun as the skies above Henfield had a lot of cloud, but my goodness it was a warm and humid day!
The annual Seven Stiles run (this year kindly sponsored by Alex Cole from Coles Automotive) has clubs from all over Sussex competing, but is also open to anyone. Which is how our farthest runner came to be from the Czech Republic, working over here at the moment. Nearly 400 runners competed in the 4 mile event, which led people on a course that went down to the River Adur along the bank and back to Henfield Leisure Centre, and more than 50 younger runners competed in the 1 mile event, aimed at Juniors.
Our oldest competitor was 85 years young, while the youngest was 'some bit younger' at just 4 years old! This just shows that sport is for everyone! Our thanks to all who helped make this a great success, including Simon and all the staff at Henfield Leisure Centre, and of course all the Henfield Joggers who gave up their time.
First home in the 4 mile race was Alan Silvester of Arena 80 AC, in 24:10 - a blistering pace on a hot day that forced us to put a drinks station in at just 2 miles! First woman was Lara Barazzuol of Lewes AC in 27:01. In the 1 Mile race the winner was Rupert Guiel of Arunners, in 5:25 with first lady being Katie Ridley of Worthing Harriers in 6:40.
Full details and information at: www.henfieldjoggers.co.uk
Paul Crowe
Images by Dermott Barry and Dave Standing-Knight