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Henfield Festival of Gardens and Arts 2022

31st August 2022

The organising committee of this event are thrilled to announce that the total raised for charities this year was £10,862.12. This amount was donated by our garden visitors and went to both local charities including the Haven, the Scouts, the Henfield Hall and the Church. Many other charities also benefitted from the generosity of our visitors and the sale of refreshments.

We would like to thank all the gardens and venues that opened, the musicians that played, the artists that displayed their work and the weather ‘gods’ for doing their bit to make the weekend such a success.

On a personal note, as Chairperson of the organising group I would like to thank everyone who was involved with the planning, contacting, chasing up and supporting of the event. Like many Festivals we rely on the support of our local business sponsors to fund the printing of the brochures, banners and posters and we are grateful for their continued support. We would also like to thank our artists for paying commission on the work they sell at the Festival – this is again used to fund the event.

The Festival has become a great community event and we are already beginning to plan for the next one. The dates are Saturday 10th and 11th June 2023. There will be posters up around the village, information on our notice board outside Jeremy’s and meetings will be arranged over the coming months so look out for this and maybe start planning for opening your garden, playing your music or displaying your art as we are always ready to welcome newcomers.

Suzanne Fisher