Exciting news! Work on Henfield's Scout Community Centre has now begun with the demolition of the old Hut, ready for the new build.
It’s been a long, long time coming… 27 years of fundraising, lots of heartache and problems, but finally things are happening. The Scout Hut became unsafe some time ago and Scouts are in temporary accommodation, so it was great to see the demolition team in and the old hut finally down! Work on the new Scout Community Centre will start very soon, and meanwhile the Scouts will continue to meet at Hillside Campsite.
Material costs rose by £60k in 2021 and have continued to rise this year, leaving the fund with a £100,000 shortfall. We are once again asking for help from residents and businesses to help us reach the finish line.
If you own a local business we would love some help with funding, materials and services. Limited companies can get tax concessions from HMRC by donating. Naming rights are being offered for sale; for £25,000 your name, or your company name, could be included in the building’s title.
Engraved bricks and pavers can be purchased from just £25. Please get in touch if you’d like your family name on this historic building.
Please donate via BACS to: Henfield Scouts Centre Building Appeal, sort code 20-24-61 and account number 60174939. For information or to order your engraved brick, please contact David Malkin on 07929 840321 or david.malkin@henfield-scout-cc.org
David Malkin
Update on Scouting
The last couple of years have been challenging for all of us. The Henfield Scouting community was unable to meet for much of the pandemic and our members had online, virtual meetings to keep them up to speed with their badge work and for general healthy interaction with each other. Kudos and thank you to the leaders for setting these sessions up and for keeping our children occupied during those months!
August saw the return of a special scouting tradition, the big camp! The two scout troops came together for five days of traditional camping for the first time in almost three years. It was epic in many ways! The children took part in sailing, crate-climbing, bottle-rocketing, hiking, archery, climbing, cooking and outdoor activities before sleeping each night in their tents (although maybe less sleeping and more ‘keeping each other awake’, but sleeping was the plan!). This was an invaluable experience for the children, many of whom had never been away from home without their parents before. Everyone had an absolutely brilliant time.
Special thanks to The Old Railway, Goodness, South Downs Butchery and Dane Kamm for each supplying one of the meals during the camp.
We urgently need a Quartermaster to keep tabs on our kit. Do you have a couple of hours a month to help us get ready for the next camp? If you think you can help, please do get in touch GSL@1sthenfieldscoutgroup.co.uk
Jeremy Church, GSL