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Remembrance 2022

7th November 2022

Henfield Remembrance Commemorations 2022

Henfield Parish Council is holding three Remembrance events this year and local residents are invited to participate in all of them.

Poppy Cross event - Thursday 10 November 2022, 11am at St Peter’s Church and later at the Cemetery. Poppies are laid on graves of those servicemen actually buried in the cemetery. 

The whole of Year 6 will attend a brief service at St Peter’s Church which will include pupils reading out a short eulogy for each of those actually buried in the cemetery. After the service, most of the pupils will return to school and the 11 pupils who read the eulogies, will then walk with Parish Council members and remaining School chaperones to the Cemetery to visit the grave sites and plant the poppies. The final poppy will be laid at the Memorial Wall, where a brief explanation will be given about the fallen who are buried elsewhere and prayers will be said to end the proceedings. After which the children will return to school.

As usual, all children laying a poppy will get a small ‘certificate’ containing a brief history of ‘their’ serviceman to mark the event. To avoid adding to the time spent out of class, these scrolls are passed to one of the accompanying teachers for distribution once the children have returned to School. 

Armistice Day -  Friday 11 November 2022, gather at the War Memorial from about 10.50am. 

Two marshals will halt the traffic immediately before 11am and the Last Post will sound.  Leaflets will have been given, in the morning, to each shop fronting the High Street explaining what is happening and inviting them to join in by holding silence for two minutes. A notice for the shopkeeper to display is on the reverse. A Wreath will be laid on behalf of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. After the two minutes a whistle will blow and the Reveille will sound to signify the event has finished and traffic will move again.

Remembrance Day Parade and Service -  Sunday 13 November 2022, Muster is by the Cagefoot Lane War Memorial at 9.10am with the Parade moving off at 9.20am headed by the Brighton and Hove City Brass Band.

The Service will be held at St Peter’s Church starting at 9.45am. Following the Service at 10.30am, the Parade will reform and march to Cagefoot Lane War Memorial for a short Service which will include the wreath laying by a number of local organisations, the remainder of the Service and two-minute silence at 11am. Orders of Service will be provided at the Church and at the War Memorial.

Belinda Samrah, Parish Administrator – Henfield Parish Council