Mike Morgan stepped down from representing Henfield Ward at Horsham District Council back in May and the tradition of a Henfield Independent Councillor continues with the successful election of Malcolm Eastwood. Mike continues to volunteer as a Parish Councillor in the village.
Mike came to live in Henfield in 1974, as a property conveyancer at Griffith Smith. He became involved in community life by joining the St Peter’s School PTA when his two children, Warren and Sharon, became pupils at the school.

In 1987 he was elected to Henfield Parish Council and became chairman of Lighting & Open Spaces, Finance, and later the Commons Committee, and was voted Chairman in 1997. He was part of the organising team for the very first Henfield Late Night Christmas Shopping event, there are some fantastic photos in the Museum of this hugely successful Dickensian themed night. This led to the formation of the Henfield Traders’ Association and many more collaborative events.
“Mike Morgan is really the ‘Father of the House’ as far as Henfield Parish Council is concerned. His wise words, extensive knowledge and long-term memory of the Parish Council mean that every Councillor is appreciative of his advice. The refrains “I’ll ask Mike,” or “What does Mike think?” is indicative of the high esteem in which he is held.” ELAINE GOODYEAR, HPC CHAIRMAN
Mike’s contributions during this first part of his Parish Council tenure were considerable and have shown over the years to be hugely positive investments in the village. From simple aesthetic improvements like working with the late Peter Hudson to put hanging baskets, flower beds and planters in the High Street and around the village, to his involvement in the building of the new Henfield Leisure Centre and the Rothery Sports Pavilion. Anyone who’s been involved in this type of project will appreciate the hours of ‘behind the scenes’ work to facilitate planning, engage builders, find the grants and convincing local people of the benefits; no mean feat!
He was also instrumental in the building of the Skate Park, alongside his partner Sheila Matthews (who was then Councillor at Horsham District, she was honoured with an MBE for her services). Mike is passionate about providing activities for our young people, illustrated by his 25-year involvement with the Clarkes Mead Trust and the building of the Scout Hut, and his support of Henfield Youth Club.
“When I joined Henfield Parish Council in 2005 Mike was already a long serving and experienced councillor. What struck me over the following years working with him was that he was a very conscientious and hard-working councillor fully engaged in the activities of council. He still found time to be a very active member of the Royal British Legion and the success of Henfield’s Remembrance Service is largely down to his input. He was a great pleasure to work with and has given outstanding service to the community over a great many years.” RAY OSGOOD, PAST HPC CHAIRMAN
For Mike, it’s not all about the big projects, but sometimes just making things work better. He arranged the finances for the Parish Offices to be extended and improved and the new Museum. This new space provided a better and more practical area for staff and councillors to grow into, especially important since the Parish Council now have far more village responsibilities than they did back in the 80s! The museum has become an important visitor attraction.
Recently he and other Councillors saw the benefit of full-time works officers; which has saved Council considerable amounts of money on subcontractors, as well as allowing them to be responsive when a road is flooded or a tree is down. Residents now can’t imagine life without them. Another similar ‘housekeeping’ project was the renovation of the high street loos; a somewhat unglamorous subject, but it’s now hitting the headlines that the UK has lost 50% of its conveniences over the last decade. It’s a crucial issue severely affecting many people, especially those with disabilities and the elderly.
“Walking down Henfield High Street with Mike Morgan took a long time. We were stopped every few steps by people wanting to talk to him about local issues or simply to say hello. Not only do people know Mike, but he seemed to know everyone too and made time for them, to understand their concerns and try to help.
This experience of spending time with Mike in ‘his patch’ of Henfield very much reflects his work as a district Councillor. He was diligent in his many years of Council work, seeking to improve life for those who live and work in the whole District.” BARBARA CHILDS, ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE, HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL
Mike also understands the importance of bringing the community together. In fact, two of the highlights of the village calendar; the Summer Fayre and the Remembrance Commemorations, are successful in no small part due to his hard work. He led the first Fayre organisation in 1995 to mark the 50th anniversary of VE day, and it became a biannual village fixture. His last show was in 2018, when he stood down due to pressures of Council work. Our involvement with village fayres at BN5 means we’ve sat on many organising committees and can vouch for Mike’s calm and thorough approach; he listens to everyone’s ideas and works long hours to make sure each event is a success.
The Remembrance event runs like clockwork and is much admired, our Henfield parade regularly brings in crowds of hundreds, larger than many neighbouring towns. Mike has worked hard with HPC, the Henfield Club and local Churches to make it inclusive as well as traditional. He has (until retiring last month) been the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal coordinator for Henfield. He held the role for 25 years and over this period Henfield people have donated a phenomenal £149,526.48, to be exact!
“Mike has been a wonderful mentor to me since I took up the role of Parish Clerk in 2014. His sage advice is invaluable, after nearly thirty-six years as a Henfield Parish Councillor and 8 years as a District Councillor at Horsham he has a vast range of experience in all matters Council related. I would like to say a big “thank you” to you Mike, for all the help you have given me and the sound advice you have given to other Parish Councillors and staff alike over that period. It really is greatly appreciated!” KEVIN WRIGHT, HENFIELD PARISH CLERK
In 2015, after 20 years’ service, Sheila Matthews stood down at Horsham District Council as an Independent councillor. Mike (and many others in the village) appreciated the importance of an independent representative at Horsham, free of the restrictive shackles of party politics, so he stood in the May election that year and won a seat. He has been a hugely effective representative at Horsham, always putting Henfield’s interests first.
“Mike was an absolute pleasure to work with at Horsham and always such a bedrock of support. Henfield have been fortunate to benefit from his representation. Mike’s commitment and tireless efforts as a District Councillor have made a significant impact upon our community. I know he will continue to fight for Henfield’s best interests in his role as Parish Councillor. Thank you, Mike!” JOSH POTTS, CONSERVATIVE HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCILLOR, HENFIELD WARD
One of Mike’s main aims at District Council has been to fight unlawful developments and prevent the sprawl of unconsidered building projects. This is a complex area and he has never been afraid to stand up for Henfield, sometimes when Officers are recommending the go-ahead. He has been supportive of local commerce and well-considered planning, but he is passionate about making sure developments suit the local environment and will be integrated successfully.
His presence has helped to secure project loans for various Henfield causes, including Henfield Leisure Centre. He’s also assisted local residents on their planning, social housing, refuse, council tax and noise issues; sometimes small issues but ones which can blight people’s lives.
“Mike Morgan was an extremely conscientious councillor, quietly achieving much benefit for the community over many years. In Council meetings he expressed his views fairly and firmly and was noted for his independent role and quiet demeanour.” DAVID SKIPP, CHAIRMAN, HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL
“Cllr Mike Morgan has been a diligent and dedicated representative for his community throughout his time on the Council, as well as a constructive and valued voice in Council meetings. I enjoyed working alongside him and will certainly miss his contribution, I wish him the very best for the future.” MARTIN BOFFEY, LIBERAL DEMOCRAT LEADER OF HORSHAM DISTRICT COUNCIL
Mike is at pains to point out that all the projects he’s mentioned were only achieved as part of a team of very hard-working volunteers, he sees himself as a cog in a wheel, alongside many others. He hopes that he can encourage new residents to step forward and make a contribution to their village, it’s rewarding and especially important now the village is growing in size. The effects are long-lasting too. Looking to the future, he’s pleased to be chairing his favourite committee; Village Amenities – which keeps the village looking beautiful and a great place to live.
All these contributions, small and large, have been undertaken quietly and without fanfare. Next time you use the Leisure Centre, admire the flowers in the High Street, take your children to one of the play parks or the skate park (or even use the conveniences in the high street!) remember it’s thanks to people like Mike and the team of Parish Councillors who make our village a better place to live.
Emma Cole