It all started in 2013 when 35 reconditioned computers were donated to the village. A subgroup of Henfield Community Partnership, Action for Older People, organised an information day where the main topic was ‘Getting Connected’ and addressed the difficulties many older people had in using a computer and getting online. They were amazed that 61 people came along! After presentations and demonstrations, over 20 people were interested in ongoing support. Two training sessions were organised but it became clear that individual needs and interests varied widely. This was how the Computer Club was born.
One of the founding organisers, Steve Bailey, said: “Like all good organisations, the Computer Club was born from a position of need. We were inundated at the Get Connected meeting and knew we had the potential to really help people with a new skill-set, and it turned out that we could also give people confidence and they naturally made friends at the Club and became able to communicate better online. With technology moving at such a huge pace, it was important that the Club was responsive to change and to need – and it’s been a huge success because of this openness to change.”
The meetings were held at the Leisure Centre for the first couple of years in the room that is now Sharky’s. With the development of this soft play area, the club had to find another venue. The Garden Room at Henfield Hall was ideal but the hall had no WIFI. A couple of the club’s mentors made it their mission to address this. The Hall now has excellent WIFI throughout the building. At about that time the club moved from being run by Action for Older People and became an independent group open to anyone. However, it remained under the umbrella of Henfield Community Partnership as a service to the community.
Today the club has over 130 members and 14 mentors. It is not only a place to come to learn or get help, but also somewhere to meet others socially. The club has regular presentations with topics suggested by members, often on subjects such as keeping your passwords safe and avoiding internet scams, or using social media effectively. These talks are open not just to members but to anyone interested and are very popular. You will find them advertised in BN5 magazine and on the Computer Club Facebook page.
Rose Sharp, another founding organiser, said: “Henfield Computer Club has never been geeky! Just people helping each other and taking away the stigma of not understanding the internet. Our mentors are patient and want to help, and we know the Club has helped many people and kept them safe online.”
The club is unique in the Horsham District and members come from far and wide. Our existence is thanks to the original members of Action for Older People and their foresight in creating a Computer Club. Rose is still with us and spoils us with delicious biscuits and the occasional cake to have with our drinks.
If you are interested in joining the Computer Club as a member or mentor, we meet in the Garden Room, Henfield Hall every Wednesday 10am to 12pm. Whether member or mentor, we all find we are all still learning! Annual membership is £5 and £2 any week you attend. This includes refreshments! To find out more about us see or email us at
Sue Willis