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Henfield Festival of Garden & Arts - Wow, what a place to live!

24th June 2024

The organisers of the Henfield Festival of Gardens & Arts are delighted the event went so well over the weekend of 8-9th June. It’s a big ‘thankyou’ from them to all the visitors from the village and beyond who enjoyed over 30 open gardens, listening to great music, and seeing the amazing art and craft from local folk. Of course, the superb sunny weather helped make it so memorable.

The Festival again clearly demonstrated the community spirit within the village, by involving the garden openers and many of the Henfield venues; and the many local businesses who generously sponsored the ‘blue booklet’. Thanks to them all.

Not only does the festival provide enjoyment for the many hundreds, even thousands, of visitors, but is has a second purpose too - most of the villagers who open their gardens do so for charities of their choice. Last year the participants collected a total over £11,000 for good causes, local, national and international- and this year the organisers hope to beat that figure! Watch this space!

We heard a few comments over the weekend:

“It was such a great weekend- how can I be a part of it next year?”

If you want to help or open your garden in 2025, please contact us. You’ll find it very rewarding! At present, some of the committee members are ‘stepping down’, and the organisers are already talking to some new villagers who want to get involved.

“My own garden would never pass inspection”

None of the gardens are looked at before the weekend. Yes, some are magnificent, but other very simple, and some just as a garden ‘backdrop’ to artists and musicians for charity fundraising. The Festival was promoted in the National Gardens Scheme book this year, but not as NGS gardens.

“What did it all cost to put on?”

All gardens and venues were free to visitors, but many invite a donation to a charity that they were supporting. The organising group are all volunteers, and the booklet is printed with funds kindly donated by local shops and businesses, and those selling art or crafts donate 10% to the admin costs. The detailed accounts are accessible after each festival on

Please contact us via the website or simply email our Secretary Sarah at

What did visitors enjoy the most this June?

Actually, everything - and the sunshine! Apart from enjoying the 30 or so private gardens that included music and arts, our community venues such as St. Peter's Church and School, the Henfield Hall, and Henfield Haven, all hosted musicians, dancers, artists and craftspeople who displayed and performed over the weekend.

The Tanyard field in Cagefoot Lane was open too with a mowed trail, and the Sussex Wildlife Trust were on hand to talk to visitors and conduct short walks. To round off an amazing two days, the Festival Finale evening celebration at Red Oaks was simply amazing, with a good crowd of adults and children dancing to the Unreel Ceilidh Band.