You may have seen the article in last month’s BN5 about Anne Dewdney’s tremendous efforts for the Henfield Haven with “Challenge Annie”. We’re now pleased to bring you a month-by-month schedule of her plans and activities, perhaps you’d like to join in, too?!
To re-cap, the Henfield Haven celebrates 10 years since it was rescued from closure by local volunteers in October 2015. That’s 10 years of high-needs care, 10 years of carer support, and 10 years of the Haven Community Café! This milestone celebrates countless hot lunches, endless hours of dementia support and limitless levels of love and care for vulnerable people in our community. It’s well worth celebrating and we’d love you to celebrate with us, and at the same time secure the future of the Haven for the whole village.
Anne knows exactly what a lifeline the Haven is. Since her husband Rohan’s diagnosis at the age of just 56 she has found essential support and friendship; so much so that she wants to ‘give back’ by going through 10 challenges to raise money and awareness. Challenge Annie is the outcome!
To follow is a count-down of Annie’s challenges in 2025. She’s under the expert guidance of personal trainer Katie Novis and has been training for months, so we have every confidence that with your support and encouragement she’ll smash every challenge.
JANUARY: 100 sit-ups a day
Kicking off at Berrett’s Farm Coffee Shop on 1st January at 2pm, Annie will be completing 100 sit- ups every day during January. If you’d like to join her for this new-year challenge which is sure to burn off some Christmas mince-pies, please get in touch!
In conjunction with Henfield Leisure Centre, there will be a Hyrox event taking place on 2nd February – a fitness event combining running with workout challenges. Contact Henfield Leisure Centre to get involved!
MARCH: Brighton Half Marathon
Intrepid Annie will be running the Brighton Half Marathon with her two children and a team of local runners – please get in contact if you already have a place and would like to raise money for the Henfield Haven with Annie; running shirts will be provided.
APRIL: Henfield Football Club Youth Teams Challenge
Members of the Junior teams at HFC will be joining Annie as she walks lap of the King’s Field, more details and date to follow! Look out for Haven fundraising at their annual Football Tournament too.
MAY: Sea Swimming every day
We’re hoping the sea will have warmed a little by May, as Annie will be taking a daily dip, whatever the weather! She’d love some company, there’s already a group of swimmers keen to join in – please get in touch if you’d like to challenge yourself.
JUNE: Spin Bike Challenge @Berrett’s
Once again our friends at Berrett’s are kindly hosting Annie as she completes a spin-bike challenge, please come along and show her some encouragement!
JULY: Annie’s Wing Walk
Showing immense bravery, Annie will be completing a Wing Walk, please follow her social media pages for photos and evidence! Sponsorship is warmly welcomed.
AUGUST: i360 Drop
Abseiling, but not as you know it... Putting her trust in a single rope, Annie will literally hang off the side of the i360, Brighton’s landmark. She’ll make her way down the 138 meters to terra firma, rather her than us!
SEPTEMBER: Climb Snowdon
The steep climb of the highest mountain in Wales is an arduous challenge, which Annie will be completing with a small team. To celebrate her ascent, Rohan will be joining her after taking the train to the summit.
OCTOBER: Head Shave at Henfield Haven
As a final sponsorship commitment, Annie will be shaving her hair for the Haven! We definitely think this is a worthy final challenge in her 10 months for the Haven.
You can join in a challenge.
Some of the months Annie will be inviting people to join her. If you are looking for a fitness challenge, you’re more than welcome! Challenge your friends and family to sponsor you and help us to raise awareness of living with dementia.
You can donate!
Any amount, large or small, is so appreciated. The easiest way is to go to the Just Giving link by scanning the QR code on this page or follow the Challenge Annie Facebook page.
You can sponsor a challenge.
We have some fabulous sponsorship opportunities for local businesses or individuals, a huge thank you to everyone who’s already signed up. Please contact Digby,
You can spread the word...
By following the Challenge Annie 2025 Facebook page and sharing, or by giving her a positive comment or two! At the same time you’ll be letting everyone know how important the Haven is to Henfield, and you’ll be raising awareness of living with dementia.
With your help we can do this. Thank you!
Emma Cole,
Trustee, Henfield Haven

We know that dementia is indiscriminate. Facing a sudden diagnosis is shocking for the person concerned, as well as their family, friends and loved ones. The early days of adjustment can be especially challenging.
The Henfield Haven is a bright spot for anyone facing the news that they or a loved- one has recieved this diagnosis. The professionals, carers and volunteers at the Haven provide a safety net of information, understanding, kindness and care, and are there during the good times and the tough times too. The Haven is a daily reminder that living with dementia can be joyful, as evidenced by the smiles and laughter always present during their hours of care.
The Haven supports those caring for a loved one; giving them some well-deserved time off. It’s an important place for everyone in our village, not just those with dementia, it helps elderly and vulnerable people every day. The Community Café is open for everyone, pop in to see us!
Without the lifeline of the Haven many local people would be lost and lonely and may even fall through the care gaps. We want to make sure the Haven, a lifeline for Henfield, is secure for the future, whatever is on the horizon.