Unsure how to recycle items that can’t go in your Council recycling bin? Sustainable Henfield 2030‘s plastic recycling scheme is here to help in order to keep Henfield, and our planet, greener through keeping items out of landfill! Many items collected will also be donated to various charities, such as the Henfield Haven, Sussex Homeless Support and Care for Calais Refugees. Additionally, any money received from selling products will be donated to local good causes. Thank you to our local shops and businesses who are participating in this fantastic initiative.

Beauty & Body Products
Deodorant (roll-on) & Aerosol Lids - Natasha's (bin outside)
Face Cream Pots & Lids - Natasha's (bin outside)
Hair Dye Kits (plastic packaging) - Natasha's (bin outside)
Makeup Tubes - Natasha's (bin outside)
Makeup/Face Wipe Packaging - Natasha's (bin outside)
Shampoo/Shower Gel Lids - Hamfelds
No glass, metal, plastic bottles, aerosols medicines or baby wipe packaging please.

Bras - Henfield Leisure Centre for donation to Against Breast Cancer
Jeans - Celiaexplorer@btinternet.com for donation to Care for Calais Refugees
Rucksacks - Henfield Club for donation to Sussex Homeless Support
Clothes and Shoes - Age UK, St Barnabas and jumble sales
Trainers (especially sizes 7-9) - Celiaexplorer@btinternet.com for donation to Care for Calais Refugees
Unsellable Handbags/Shoes/Clothes/Fabrics - Age UK (please label bags separately & take to the back - 5kg per bag)
Warm clothes in the Autumn/Winter - Henfield Club (Sussex Homeless Support)/Celiaexplorer@btinternet.com (Care for Calais Refugees)

Cameras - Southdown Galleries or email ruthrobotham0@gmail.com
Games - Southdown Galleries or email ruthrobotham0@gmail.com
Laptops, Tablets & iPads - All Things Covered
Mobile Phones - Gallery BN5 (please unlock before donating)
Other Gadgets/ Electrical Goods - Southdown Galleries or email ruthrobotham0@gmail.com

Food & Drink
Biscuit/Crackers/Cake Packaging (plastic) - Post House Café
Bottle Tops (plastic) - Katie's Nuttery
Branded Bakery Plastic Packaging - 4 Seasons Dry Cleaners (bin outside 9-5)
Bread Bags - 4 Seasons Dry Cleaners (bin outside 9-5)
Cheese Pouches/Individual Wrappers/Mini Cheese Plastic Nets - Rushfields Plant Centre (inside)/Corpus Christi Catholic Church (in the bin when open)
Chocolate and Sweet Wrappers (plastic) - Post House Café
Corks (not plastic) - Katies Nuttery
Drinks Cans (metal pull-ring) - Henfield Flooring
Milk Bottle Tops (plastic) - Cornerweighs
Plastic Bags (all other soft, flexible or scrunchy food or shopping bags), Plastic Covers, Clingfilm, Bubble Wrap - Supermarkets/Co-op
Pringles/Crisp Tubes & Lid (plastic) - Post House Café
No aluminium, cardboard, paper, waxed paper, plastic tubs or trays please.

Contact Lenses & their Blister Pack/Foil - Henfield Eye Care
Glasses, Sunglasses and Glasses Cases (all conditions) - Henfield Eye Care
Hearing Aids & In-Date Batteries - Radmalls Funeral Service
Inhalers (used) - Lloyds Pharmacy
Toothbrushes, Toothpaste Tubes/Caps, Dental Floss Packaging - Bespoke Interiors
No contact lens solution bottles or dental sticks please.

Batteries - Budgens, Hamfelds, One Stop or Council Collection
Coins (old or foreign) - RPS Food & Wine
Flexible Dishwasher/ Laundry Pod Packaging - Hamfelds
Hard Plastic (does not bend), pipes, plant pots, garden toys, buckets etc - Household Waste Sites (excluding Horsham)
Light Bulbs & Fluorescent Tubes - Household Waste Recycling Centres
Pesticides/Weedkiller/Solvents - Household Waste Recycling Centres
Printer Cartridges - Bespoke Interiors
Sleeping Bags - Henfield Club or Celiaexplorer@btinternet.com
Soap Pumps, Refill Packaging & Trigger Sprays - Hamfelds
Surface Cleaning Wipes - Hamfelds
Tents - Celiaexplorer@btinternet.com
No printer cartridge refills or toner cartridges please.

Correction Fluid Containers - Goodness Henfield
Glue Sticks - Goodness Henfield
Pencils (Mechanical) - Goodness Henfield
Pens/Felt Tips/Markers/Highlighters - Goodness Henfield
Stamps (any) - Christina's Afternoon Tea Shop
No wooden pencils/crayons or wax crayons please.