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St Peter’s School Year 6 Leavers Prom

20th August 2024

On Friday 12 July the Year Six children from St Peter’s School Henfield celebrated completing 7 years at the school with a Prom themed party at the Henfield Hall.

An event such as this can never happen without help from the local community so the parents of the children would like to say a massive thank you to the following people and local businesses.

The Kindersley Trust - Thank you to Eric and the trustees of the Kindersley Trust for their very generous donation to the party which enabled us to purchase many items that the children will be able to benefit from for years to come. 

The Henfield Hall - A big thank you to the staff and volunteers at the hall who were so helpful with our many queries and set up and take down.  A special mention to Dave for all his hard work. 

St Peters School Henfield PTA - Another big thank you to the wonderful PTA without whom many events would not happen, this one included.  If your children are attending St Peters School from September 2024, please do sign up to become a helper.  They really are a wonderful group of ladies. 

Fiona at Stokes - A big thank you to Fiona for donating the sweets for our candy cart.  Many dentists will be groaning but the children were very appreciative of your kindness as always.

Jeremys - A big thank you to Jeremy for donating the fruit for our chocolate fountain.  Another local business that always offers their support. 

Marcus Grimes - Another big thank you to Nelly and Alexa at Marcus Grimes for letting us use their candy floss machine. 

The Bradley-Hudson Family - Thank you for storing the gear, refurbing the candy cart, helping on the day and just being wonderful. 

Lindsey & Joe - Apparently the best mocktails ever made according to the children – we may have to recruit them for a parent party very soon!

Hettie Carter - For taking some incredible pictures for us on the night - making it feel like a real prom.  Thank you so much. 

Nicola and Graham Woodley - Thank you for keeping us all fed with delicious food from your van on the night.  Another amazing local business. 

All of the year six parent volunteers - A HUGE thank you to all the mums and dads who help prior to the event and on the night, donated chocolate fountains, cupcakes and many assorted items.  We really couldn’t have pulled it off without each and every one of you.  

Parents of Year Six Leavers 2024