St Peter’s is an inclusive school family which values each child as an individual. Our strong Christian character sets our ethos and makes a significant contribution to the caring relationships within the school and to everyone's wellbeing. Our Key Values are: Resilient, Resourceful, Respectful and Always Aiming High, which underpin everything we do. You will find us a welcoming, caring and vibrant community.
We are fortunate to enjoy the benefits of being a church-aided primary while being large enough to offer single-aged classes throughout. We are proud of our wide range of staff expertise, not least with the variety of additional after-school activities.
The staff at St. Peter’s are committed to unlocking the potential in everyone. Our children learn in a text-rich, stimulating learning environment which is tailored to meet the needs of all pupils. Our curriculum provides challenging learning opportunities and authentic outcomes in order to develop both practical and personal skills as well as stirring intellectual curiosity. We value the arts and sport, and are proud to offer a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities to extend the learning further.
If St. Peter’s is a school you are considering then you are warmly invited to visit us so that you can meet the staff, children and see our lovely school for yourselves. Please call or email the School Office to book an appointment to visit us.