Here in Henfield last summer the Parish Council declared a Climate and Environment Emergency and Sustainable Henfield 2030 (or SH2030) was launched with the aim of supporting people and businesses to become more sustainable (see for more information). They have now teamed up with the Henfield Community Partnership to create a powerful force for change in Henfield.
Of the many activities being held, some activities you might be familiar with and others you might be completely new to you but either way here’s a taster of what will be coming up over the next few months.
In February we have an article on the Henfield Shed, a fabulous local registered charity which promotes social inclusion and cherishes (as well as shares) skills. The Henfield Shed repairs and restores broken household items as well as creating new items such as planters, bird boxes and clocks from recycled materials – not just a great fun place to go but a really sustainable venture.
Here in West Sussex we are well placed to be a lot more sustainable about some of the food we consume. Not only can we buy seasonally and locally and therefore drastically reducing our food miles, but for many of us with gardens growing a few fruit and vegetables is easily possible. Look out for an article on sustainable food and preventing food waste later this year.
We’ll also be promoting re-wilding projects, green gardening, greener home improvements and the often simple and money-saving changes we can make to reduce our own carbon footprint. Look out for our article on the Kinder Living Show, a brilliant place to learn more and get involved.
We’d also like to hear about your ideas for living more sustainably in Henfield on our Facebook page. We have a fantastic community spirit in the village and there are so many activities going on that we would love to hear about them all – do please drop us a line.
In the words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu: “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
Emma Osman & Sarah Butler