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The latest news stories from Henfield and the surrounding villages

12th November 2023

Henfield Remembrance 2023 in photographs

We will remember them Henfield residents respectfully lined the High Street in large numbers to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in the two World Wars…

2nd November 2023

A Henfield Hero’s D-Day experiences

Bob Bedford was well known in Henfield. After he retired to the village he was a regular spectator at the football club and he took on much of the maintenance…

2nd November 2023

Remembrance 2023

All residents are invited to participate in the following events: Poppy Cross event, Friday 10 November 2023 at 11am at St Peter’s Church and later at the…

6th October 2023

Seed Time!

Now that autumn is upon us, and the gardens are being put to bed, this is the perfect time for gathering seeds in time for the seed swap next year. All sorts…

28th September 2023

Henfield Community Partnership

The Henfield Community Partnership (HCP) was set up in 2005 and brings together volunteers to support a wide range activities to enhance the wellbeing of the…

28th September 2023

The Henfield Weekly Market Reaches a Milestone

This year the Henfield Weekly Market celebrates two years of adventurous and community-driven ethos following the hiatus caused by the pandemic. This was…

28th September 2023

Brilliant Bats!

Bats are the only mammals on the planet capable of powered flight, and they can navigate through the darkest night by the power of echolocation. Across the…

28th September 2023

Henfield Youth Club: Is it for You?

Henfield Youth Club offers a friendly and safe space for young people in Henfield, with qualified youth workers on-hand to help and support. More importantly,…

22nd September 2023

Glow Wild: A Ten Year Triumph

Glow Wild: A Ten Year Triumph For many, winter is a time to bed down green spaces, to nurture beds and bulbs through the colder months, and to pack away garden…

22nd September 2023

Welcome Home, Eric!

And a huge, Henfield ‘thank you’ to everyone who made it happen… Almost a year ago something unimaginable happened to the Williams family, something…

22nd September 2023

Henfield Art Club 40th Annual Exhibition

Henfield Art Club is a friendly group of local artists who enjoy getting together both creatively and socially. Our membership comprises those at the beginning…

1st September 2023

Mike Morgan’s contribution to Henfield life

Mike Morgan stepped down from representing Henfield Ward at Horsham District Council back in May and the tradition of a Henfield Independent Councillor…