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PHB Contractors
About Us We are a professional team of contractors providing high quality workmanship and reliability. Our contracting services are predominantly in the…
- 01273 493496 (Option 2)
- admin@phbcontractors.co.uk
- phbcontractors.co.uk

Revive Sussex
Revive Sussex – Exterior Cleaning Specialists Looking to bring your property’s exterior back to life ? At Revive Sussex , we provide professional exterior…
- 07534432714
- info@revivesussex.co.uk
- revivesussex.co.uk

Stonepit Nursery
Stonepit Nursery is a Henfield based garden and landscaping business owned and run by Neil Johnson. Within our site in Stonepit Lane (off of West End Lane) we…
- 07709 326526 / 07758739561
- stonepitnurseries@aol.co.uk
- stonepitnursery.co.uk

Sussex Prairies
Sussex Prairie garden opened to the public in 2009, just one year after planting. We count ourselves amongst a handful of large new gardens, designed and…
- 01273 495902
- morlandsfarm@btinternet.com
- sussexprairies.co.uk

Acacia Groundcare

Alderbrook Estate & Garden Maintenance

AMP Groundcare Machinery Services

AVS Fencing Supplies

Bank House Electric Gates

Bartlett Property and Gardens

Beechcroft Landscapes