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Innerbloom Fitness
Innerbloom Fitness – Yoga studio & retreat venue Nestled in the serene South Downs of West Sussex, Innerbloom Fitness offers a peaceful retreat for those…
- 07928 101590
- Info@innerbloomfitness.co.uk
- Innerbloomfitness.co.uk
The Henfield Haven
The Henfield Haven provides specialist daycare services for people living with dementia, their carers and vulnerable people in Henfield and the surrounding…
- 01273 494747
- admin@henfieldhaven.org
- henfieldhaven.org
Trenchmore Farm
Trenchmore Farm is run by Andrew and his daughter Rachel in Cowfold, West Sussex. They produce Sussex Wagyu beef, farmhouse cider called Silly Moo, and have a…
- 01403 610136
- rachel@trenchmore.co.uk
- trenchmore.co.uk