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Citizens Advice in West Sussex
Citizens Advice in West Sussex (North, South, East) are an independent charity here to support you by offering free, and reliable advice. We can help you with…
- 0808 278 7969
- advicewestsussex.org.uk
- X

Foodbank services in Henfield
Part of the Horsham District Foodbank, we have been successfully collaborating with Horsham Matters to provide essential food parcel deliveries for those in…
- 0300 124 0204
- support@horsham-matters.org.uk
- horshamdistrict.foodbank.org.uk

Henfield Electric Community Car Club
Electric Community Car Club, Henfield This initiative is aimed to enable residents to access affordable electric hire cars, reduce the need for second cars and…
- 01273 087096
- henfield@heccc.org.uk
- ctsussex.org.uk

Henfield Warm Spaces
Warm Spaces with a Warm Welcome During the week there are places Henfield where anyone can go at times when you don’t want to turn your heating on. These are…
- 01273 493043
- henfieldcp.news@gmail.com

Horsham District Council
There are two elected representatives for Henfield at Horsham District Council. Josh Potts (Conservative) can be contacted on: 07368 679546…
- 01403 215100
- customer.services@horsham.gov.uk
- horsham.gov.uk

The Henfield Haven
The Henfield Haven provides specialist daycare services for people living with dementia, their carers and vulnerable people in Henfield and the surrounding…
- 01273 494747
- admin@henfieldhaven.org
- henfieldhaven.org

West Sussex County Council
Sarah Payne is the representative for the Henfield division at West Sussex County Council. She has lived in the Henfield area for nearly all of her adult life…
- 07917 331760
- sarah.payne@westsussex.gov.uk
- westsussex.gov.uk

Age UK Horsham District
Over 50 and looking for that little bit of extra support? We work with individuals and communities to make a difference every day. We are here to help, whether…
- 01403 260560
- info@ageukhorshamdistrict.org.uk
- ageukhorshamdistrict.org.uk

Carers Support West Sussex
Carers Support West Sussex (CSWS) is an independent charity, working in close partnership with West Sussex County Council and the NHS to identify and offer…
- 0300 028 8888
- info@carerssupport.org.uk
- carerssupport.org.uk

Community Transport Sussex
Dial-a-ride shopping trips, excursions & minibus hire. Providing a once-weekly Dial-a-Ride service from your doorstep in Henfield to Tesco & Marks and Spencer…
- 01444 471919
- enquiry@ctsussex.org.uk
- ctsussex.org.uk

Drug & Alcohol Wellbeing Network
We are a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for adults aged 25+ (including offenders), families and affected others. We are a friendly and…
- 0330 1281113
- WestSussex.Firststep@cgl.org.uk
- changegrowlive.org

Family Support Work
A charity that helps provide support for East and West Sussex families, to help them overcome major difficulties in their lives. This includes listening,…
- 01273 832533
- admin@familysupportwork.org.uk
- familysupportwork.org.uk