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Henfield Parish Council
Henfield Parish Council was formed in 1894 and the first election was held on 17th December 1894. The first Parish Council meeting was held at 7pm on 2 January…
- 01273 492507
- office@henfield.gov.uk
- henfield.gov.uk

Horsham District Council
There are two elected representatives for Henfield at Horsham District Council. Josh Potts (Conservative) can be contacted on: 07368 679546…
- 01403 215100
- customer.services@horsham.gov.uk
- horsham.gov.uk

West Sussex County Council
Sarah Payne is the representative for the Henfield division at West Sussex County Council. She has lived in the Henfield area for nearly all of her adult life…
- 07917 331760
- sarah.payne@westsussex.gov.uk
- westsussex.gov.uk

Andrew Griffith MP
Andrew offers regular surgeries for constituents to raise specific issues where he may be able to assist. In order to ensure that he has time to deal with each…
- 020 7219 4557
- Andrew.Griffith.MP@parliament.uk
- andrewgriffithmp.com
- X

Cowfold Parish Council
The Parish Council Ordinary Meetings are generally held in the Village Hall on the second Monday of every month - check our website for times. For further…
- 01403 864806
- clerk@cowfold-pc.gov.uk
- cowfold-pc.gov.uk

West Grinstead Parish Council
- 01403 710270
- clerk@westgrinstead-pc.gov.uk
- westgrinstead-pc.gov.uk

Woodmancote Parish Council
Woodmancote Parish Council is located in West Sussex partly within the South Downs National Park, on the Mid Sussex border and neighbours the parishes of…
- 07884 962453
- clerk@woodmancoteparishcouncil.gov.uk
- woodmancoteparishcouncil.gov.uk