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BN5 Magazine
BN5 Magazine is the community magazine for Henfield and the surrounding villages including Small Dole, Woodmancote, Blackstone, Edburton and Fulking. Please…
- 01273 494002
- editor@bn5magazine.co.uk
- henfieldbn5.co.uk

Citizens Advice in West Sussex
Citizens Advice in West Sussex (North, South, East) are an independent charity here to support you by offering free, and reliable advice. We can help you with…
- 0808 278 7969
- advicewestsussex.org.uk
- X

Henfield Electric Community Car Club
Electric Community Car Club, Henfield This initiative is aimed to enable residents to access affordable electric hire cars, reduce the need for second cars and…
- 01273 087096
- henfield@heccc.org.uk
- ctsussex.org.uk

Henfield Weekly Market
If you go down to the Henfield Hall on a Monday morning, you’ll discover items that are not only useful and beautiful, but recycled, upcycled, delicious,…
- 01273 559933
- henfieldweeklymarket@gmail.com
- facebook.com

The Henfield Hall
The Henfield Hall is located at the heart of the village, off the High Street behind Budgens. With ample parking, the Henfield Hall provides an ideal venue for…
- 01273 493365
- thehenfieldhall@btinternet.com
- henfieldhall.org.uk

The Henfield Haven
The Henfield Haven provides specialist daycare services for people living with dementia, their carers and vulnerable people in Henfield and the surrounding…
- 01273 494747
- admin@henfieldhaven.org
- henfieldhaven.org

Community Transport Sussex
Dial-a-ride shopping trips, excursions & minibus hire. Providing a once-weekly Dial-a-Ride service from your doorstep in Henfield to Tesco & Marks and Spencer…
- 01444 471919
- enquiry@ctsussex.org.uk
- ctsussex.org.uk

Henfield Community Partnership
Henfield Community Partnership is all about doing things that enhance the well-being of the village and its surroundings. Established in July 2005, it is now a…
- henfieldcp.info@gmail.com
- henfieldcp.net

Henfield, Woodmancote & Shermanbury Parish Magazine
The Parish Magazine of Henfield, Woodmancote and Shermanbury has been published by St Peter's Church since 1887. Through a dedicated team of volunteers, it is…
- 01273 495532
- copy@henfield.org
- henfield.org

Horsham District Wellbeing
Horsham District Wellbeing is a friendly and impartial service which comes from your local authority and other partners. Our services are free and available to…
- 01403 215111
- wellbeing@horsham.gov.uk
- horsham.westsussexwellbeing.org.uk
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West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service
West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service aims to make our community a safer place to live, work and enjoy. We do this through a combination of safety initiatives to…
- 01243 786211
- wsfrs@westsussex.gov.uk
- westsussex.gov.uk