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Henfield Art Club
We are a friendly art club with over 50 members and welcome new and experienced artists of all abilities and painting styles. We also invite guests to join us…
- chair@henfieldartclub.co.uk
- henfieldartclub.co.uk

The Henfield Shed
Henfield Shed has been active in the village since 2017. We were first located in the garage behind Stokes and after 12 months we moved into the High Street,…
- 07770 935709
- info@henfieldshed.org.uk
- henfieldshed.org.uk

Charity Knit & Natter
Do you enjoy Knitting but have no one to knit for? If so then come and join us. We are a friendly group who meet monthly at a Henfield venue to chat and knit…
- 01273 493171
- jeanwhiting7@googlemail.com
Henfield Spinning & Weaving Group
Henfield Spinners & Weavers Craft Group Our friendly group of spinners, weavers, knitters, crocheters and crafters meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday morning…
- 07746 121967
- beelindi@outlook.com

Knit & Natter (Henfield Library)
Come along with knitting, crocheting, quilting etc, and get together with other like-minded craftspeople! There is no tuition or cost, just a space to meet and…
- 01273 493587
- Henfield.Library@westsussex.gov.uk
- westsussex.gov.uk

OuiBeading Henfield
OuiBeading are a small group of enthusiastic beaders. We teach all techniques relating to bead weaving and wire work, making a range of beautiful jewellery;…
- 07881 906546
- lynshep@live.co.uk