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St Peter's Little Fishes
At St. Peter's Church. For pre-school children and their carers. Storytime, songs and refreshments. A chance to meet new people and play.
- 01273 495532
- admin@henfield.org
- henfield.org

Friends of St Giles'
At Friends of St Giles', we seek the support from the wider community for the repair, maintenance, restoration, preservation and improvement of this historical…
- 01273 493154
- richardputnam@btinternet.com
- henfield.org

Friends of St Peter's Church, Henfield
The Friends of St Peter's Church (FOSP) is a secular organisation whose aim is to raise funds to keep the beautiful Church of St Peter's in good repair. We do…
- 01273 494448
- lj_hartley@hotmail.co.uk
- henfield.org

Henfield Bell Ringers
The “Band”, as we are known, is the group who rings the church bells of St Peter’s in Henfield. We practice on a Wednesday evening and ring for the Sunday…
- 01273 596485
- alison.hammond@btinternet.com
- henfield.org

Sing Meraki Music Group
Come and join our friendly natural voice singing community and see what we are all about. You are welcome just as you are, No experience needed as everything…
- 07907729096
- singmeraki@gmail.com
- singmeraki.wixsite.com

St Peter's Bereavement Support Group
Losing someone we love is one of the hardest things we have to face. When someone close dies, the world can seem a lonely and empty place. At times like this…
- 01273 495532
- admin@henfield.org
- henfield.org

St Peter's Handbell Ringers
St Peter's Church has a group of handbell ringers who rehearse on a Saturday morning from 10:30am to midday at the Church.
- 01273 492442
- nick@nickcryer.plus.com

St Peter's Parish Choir
A new adult (16+) choir has been formed in the Parish of Henfield, Shermanbury and Woodmancote, please join us! We rehearse at St Peter's Henfield and will…
- 07973 315413
- sidonie.winter@live.co.uk
- henfield.org