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Henfield Theatre Company
The Henfield Theatre Company is a vibrant amateur dramatic society, based in the village. We present four or five productions each year including plays,…
- 07881 906546
- membership@henfieldtheatrecompany.com
- henfieldtheatrecompany.com
- X

Henfield Theatre Company Youth Theatre
The Henfield Theatre Company have introduced targeted workshops and productions for youths of 14 years and above, and it’s known as Henfield Theatre Company…
- 07814 301162
- karengregory08@hotmail.co.uk
- henfieldtheatrecompany.com
- X

Flix in the Stix Ashurst
Community film club in Ashurst village hall, open to everyone. What’s showing? Follow us on Twitter or on Facebook, or sign up for the newsletter…
- 01403 710230
- bob@flixinthestix.com
- facebook.com

Partridge Green Players
The Partridge Green Players has a long history of putting on productions twice a year in May and November at the Partridge Green Village Hall. The Players are…
- 07882 254964
- info@pgplayers.org

Wick Theatre Company
The Wick Theatre Company have been producing and performing productions in Southwick's Barn Theatre since 1951. We are always ready to welcome those interested…
- petera.joyce@btopenworld.com
- wicktheatre.co.uk