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Community Sing-Along
Hosted at Red Oaks Care Home, a weekly Community Sing-Along session, open to everyone. No singing or music experience is necessary, the sessions are completely…
- henfieldcp.info@gmail.com
- henfieldcp.net

Henfield Theatre Company
The Henfield Theatre Company is a vibrant amateur dramatic society, based in the village. We present four or five productions each year including plays,…
- 07881 906546
- membership@henfieldtheatrecompany.com
- henfieldtheatrecompany.com
- X

Henfield Theatre Company Youth Theatre
The Henfield Theatre Company have introduced targeted workshops and productions for youths of 14 years and above, and it’s known as Henfield Theatre Company…
- 07814 301162
- karengregory08@hotmail.co.uk
- henfieldtheatrecompany.com
- X

Cantatrice Choir
Cantatrice Choir began in 2004 when 90 singers signed up on the first day. Its sister choir in Horsham began three months later. Over the years we have…
- 01903 812662
- zoe@middlemead.plus.com
- cantatrice.co.uk

Chanctonbury Chorus
The Chanctonbury Chorus meet every Wednesday during term time at 7pm. There are no auditions to join, so come along and try! We have two open evenings…
- 07590 479762
- hello@chanctonburychorus.org
- chanctonburychorus.org

Chanctonbury Ring Morris Men
We are an all-male Morris dancing ‘side’ based in central Sussex, formed in Shoreham in 1953. We dance mainly Cotswold, but we also have a North West side…
- bagman@crmm.org.uk
- crmm.org.uk

Circle Dance Group
The Circle Dance Group are a friendly, supportive group and all are welcome. No experience is needed but we advise you to wear clothing that is easy to move…
- 01273 491070
- ellepondbarrett@hotmail.com

Heber Opera
Heber Opera has been bringing its speciality 'in the round' productions, sung in English, to audiences in community spaces around Sussex for over 30 years.…
- 07802 735190
- heber@michaelwithers.co.uk
- heberopera.co.uk

Henfield Bell Ringers
The “Band”, as we are known, is the group who rings the church bells of St Peter’s in Henfield. We practice on a Wednesday evening and ring for the Sunday…
- 01273 596485
- alison.hammond@btinternet.com
- henfield.org

Henfield Consort
Henfield Consort is a small group of singers who sing mainly unaccompanied music such as madrigals and folk songs whilst socialising. We sing for an hour and a…
- 01273 492076
- lesleybarnes39@yahoo.co.uk

Henfield Ukulele Group
The Henfield Ukulele Group was formed in 2019 and is a playing and singing group. We play a mix of popular songs that are easier to play & sing and that are…
- 07871 188403
- gigaday@googlemail.com

Kaleidoscope Singers
Kaleidoscope Singers are a small friendly mixed voice chamber choir based in Steyning. We sing an eclectic mix of accompanied choral and a capella music. If…
- 01903 812662
- zoe@middlemead.plus.com
- kaleidoscopesingers.org