Henfield Theatre Company Youth Theatre
The Henfield Theatre Company have introduced targeted workshops and productions for youths of 14 years and above, and it’s known as Henfield Theatre Company…
- 07814 301162
- karengregory08@hotmail.co.uk
- henfieldtheatrecompany.com
- X

Henfield Youth Club: Juniors
Henfield Youth Club Juniors welcomes young people from Year 3 to Year 6 to join them on a Tuesday evening (term-time only) and to meet friends and have fun in…
- 01273 492161
- henfieldyouthclub@tiscali.co.uk

Henfield Youth Club: Popin' Café
Henfield Youth Club Popin' Café welcomes young adults age between 13-18 years, to join them on a Friday evening (term-time only) to meet friends and chill in a…
- 01273 492161
- henfieldyouthclub@tiscali.co.uk

Henfield Youth Club: Seniors
Henfield Youth Club Seniors welcomes young people age from Year 7 to Year 13, to join them on a Thursday evening (term-time only) to meet friends and chill in…
- 01273 492161
- henfieldyouthclub@tiscali.co.uk

Shine for Life CIC
Our key aim is to improve wellbeing for all: the land, wildlife and people. The Field of Dreams is a Community Conservation Care Farm and home to Shine for…
- gabrielle@shineforlife.co.uk
- shineforlife.co.uk