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Haven Green Garden Group
The Haven Green Garden Group is a fortnightly gardening group at the Haven in Henfield. Gardening can be wonderfully addictive and it's so good for your health…
- 01273 492595
- liz-hodgson@hotmail.co.uk
- henfieldhaven.org

Campaign to Protect Rural Henfield
The Campaign to Protect Rural Henfield has been set up to protect and enhance the rural heritage of our village. Our first challenge was to challenge the…
- 07715 203499
- protecthenfield@gmail.com
- facebook.com

Henfield Birdwatch
Henfield Birdwatch was formed in 1998 by Mike Russell and other local enthusiasts to carry out a survey of birds in Henfield Parish at the turn of the…
- 01273 494723
- contact@henfieldbirdwatch.co.uk
- henfieldbirdwatch.co.uk

Henfield Conservation Volunteers
The main conservation activity is on the three Commons, namely Henfield, Broadmare and Oreham, together with projects in the Tanyard and around Danny’s Pond.…
- 07557 901185
- henfieldconservation@gmail.com
- facebook.com

Henfield Flower Club
If you love flowers why not join us at the Henfield Flower Club? Come and enjoy the monthly flower arranging demonstrations as well as regular workshops. We…
- nancyblood28@gmail.com
- sussexareanafas.org.uk

Henfield Garden Club
As a Henfield Garden Club member, you can enjoy outings to beautiful gardens nearby or further afield in the spring, summer and autumn months, and widen your…
- facebook.com

Henfield Repair Cafe
The Henfield Repair Cafe takes place at The Henfield Haven on the third Saturday of each month from 10am-12pm. We have a lovely group of volunteer repairers to…
- 01273 494113
- melhempleman@yahoo.co.uk
- sustainablehenfield2030.org

Partridge Green Horticultural Society
The Partridge Green Horticultural Society is a friendly and informal group of local gardeners, and we are delighted to welcome anyone (of any age and…
- 01403 711763
- Susiejacobsen@hotmail.com
- pghorticulturalsociety.org

Shine for Life CIC
Our key aim is to improve wellbeing for all: the land, wildlife and people. The Field of Dreams is a Community Conservation Care Farm and home to Shine for…
- gabrielle@shineforlife.co.uk
- shineforlife.co.uk

Sussex Green Living
Sussex Green Living is an award-winning local charity. Our mission is to educate and inspire communities to live an environmentally sustainable life. We work…
- cort@sussexgreenliving.co.uk
- sussexgreenliving.org.uk
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Sustainable Henfield 2030
Sustainable Henfield 2030 (SH2030) is a locally-based group for people who want to help reverse both the climate crisis and the decline in the natural world.…
- 07771 817948
- info@sustainablehenfield2030.org
- sustainablehenfield2030.org
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