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Henfield Community Clothes Rail
Love, Wear, Share! Free nearly new babies and children’s clothes where you can take what you need and give what you can. We collect and share nearly new…
- ohmygosh16@outlook.com
- henfieldleisurecentre.co.uk

Henfield Friends of St. Barnabas
We fundraise by organising a variety of events. We also help raise awareness of St Barnabas House Hospice by publicising the work of the hospice. Do join us…
- 07789 900295
- lesleybesson@hotmail.co.uk
- stbarnabas-hospice.org.uk

Henfield Link
The Henfield Medical Centre Link is run by volunteers for the benefit of the people of Henfield and the surrounding BN5 area. The Link service covers Henfield…
- 01273 493172
- jandpbates@gmail.com
- henfieldmedicalcentre.co.uk
Henfield Poppy Appeal Collectors
Henfield raises huge amounts of money for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal and we are always looking for volunteer door-to-door collectors. Many of our…
- 01273 492134
- mikepmorgan@btinternet.com
- donations.britishlegion.org.uk

Henfield Repair Cafe
The Henfield Repair Cafe takes place at The Henfield Haven on the third Saturday of each month from 10am-12pm. We have a lovely group of volunteer repairers to…
- 01273 494113
- melhempleman@yahoo.co.uk
- sustainablehenfield2030.org

Henfield Trefoil Guild
You will find a warm, friendly welcome from us all and the opportunity to meet like-minded people who enjoy supporting our local community and events, local…
- 01273 493329
- diana.johnston7@hotmail.com
- trefoilguild.co.uk
Henfield Wild Violets WI
We aim to give local women the opportunity to meet and make new friends, to help broaden horizons by introducing new skills and challenges through various…
- 01273 495849
- gillian.fletcher4@btinternet.com
- west-sussex.thewi.org.uk

Partridge Green Horticultural Society
The Partridge Green Horticultural Society is a friendly and informal group of local gardeners, and we are delighted to welcome anyone (of any age and…
- 01403 711763
- Susiejacobsen@hotmail.com
- pghorticulturalsociety.org

Shine for Life CIC
Our key aim is to improve wellbeing for all: the land, wildlife and people. The Field of Dreams is a Community Conservation Care Farm and home to Shine for…
- gabrielle@shineforlife.co.uk
- shineforlife.co.uk

Sing Meraki Music Group
Come and join our friendly natural voice singing community and see what we are all about. You are welcome just as you are, No experience needed as everything…
- 07907729096
- singmeraki@gmail.com
- singmeraki.wixsite.com

St Peter's Primary School PTA
St Peter’s Primary School has an active PTA who work hard to raise money for school projects and to provide social events for both parents and children. In the…
- 01273 492447
- office@stpetershenfield.org.uk
- stpetershenfield.org.uk