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Charity Knit & Natter
Do you enjoy Knitting but have no one to knit for? If so then come and join us. We are a friendly group who meet monthly at a Henfield venue to chat and knit…
- 01273 493171
- jeanwhiting7@googlemail.com

Friends of Henfield Museum
The Friends were established in 2014 and currently have over 70 members. Our aim is to support, promote and improve Henfield Museum, while breathing life into…
- 01273 494566
- friendsofhenfieldmuseum@gmail.com
- henfieldmuseum.org

Friends of St Peter's Church, Henfield
The Friends of St Peter's Church (FOSP) is a secular organisation whose aim is to raise funds to keep the beautiful Church of St Peter's in good repair. We do…
- 01273 494448
- lj_hartley@hotmail.co.uk
- henfield.org
Haven Groundforce Team
'Groundforce Haven' are a band of green-fingered volunteers who reclaimed the Haven gardens and turned it into not only an attractive place to sit and relax…
- 01273 492595
- liz-hodgson@hotmail.co.uk
- henfieldhaven.org

Henfield Birdwatch
Henfield Birdwatch was formed in 1998 by Mike Russell and other local enthusiasts to carry out a survey of birds in Henfield Parish at the turn of the…
- 01273 494723
- contact@henfieldbirdwatch.co.uk
- henfieldbirdwatch.co.uk

Henfield Bowling Club
Henfield Bowling Club is a long-established community facility. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in learning to play bowls, either socially of…
- 01273 985808
- suewright7a@gmail.com
- hugofox.com

Henfield Camera Club
The Henfield Camera Club was formed in 1963 when members were working mainly with black and white prints and 35mm slides. Today, over half a century later, all…
- 01273 492831
- pamlitc@aol.com
- henfieldcameraclub.net

Henfield Computer Club
Henfield Computer Club Meet on a Wednesday from 10am-12pm in the Garden Room of the Henfield Hall. Our Mentors Are kind, patient and caring individuals with a…
- 07983 402008
- henfieldcomputerclub@gmail.com
- henfieldcomputerclub.org.uk

Henfield Duplicate Bridge Society
Join us for a competitive, friendly game of bridge.
- price.s15@sky.com
- henfieldduplicatebridge.org.uk

Henfield Flower Club
If you love flowers why not join us at the Henfield Flower Club? Come and enjoy the monthly flower arranging demonstrations as well as regular workshops. We…
- nancyblood28@gmail.com
- sussexareanafas.org.uk
Henfield Football Club Girls
Henfield Football Club is a friendly club whose aim is to enable girls of all ability levels. Wildcats Girls range in age from under 7s, 9s, 11s, 13s and 15s,…
- henfieldfcgirls@gmail.com
- henfieldfc.com

Henfield Football Club Seniors
Henfield Football club has been active in the village since 1899. As a club, we run numerous boys and girls teams, up to U16, and are involved with the FA…
- Samwitherden@live.co.uk
- henfieldfc.com
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