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Henfield Youth Club: Juniors
Henfield Youth Club Juniors welcomes young people from Year 3 to Year 6 to join them on a Tuesday evening (term-time only) and to meet friends and have fun in…
- 01273 492161
- henfieldyouthclub@tiscali.co.uk

Henfield Youth Club: Popin' Café
Henfield Youth Club Popin' Café welcomes young adults age between 13-18 years, to join them on a Friday evening (term-time only) to meet friends and chill in a…
- 01273 492161
- henfieldyouthclub@tiscali.co.uk

Henfield Youth Club: Seniors
Henfield Youth Club Seniors welcomes young people age from Year 7 to Year 13, to join them on a Thursday evening (term-time only) to meet friends and chill in…
- 01273 492161
- henfieldyouthclub@tiscali.co.uk
Messy Monkeys
Messy Monkeys sessions are organised by Henfield Bump to Baby Plus volunteer team who also run Antenatal courses and Postnatal drop-ins. The volunteers include…
- henfieldbumptobaby@gmail.com
- henfieldleisurecentre.co.uk

St Peter's Handbell Ringers
St Peter's Church has a group of handbell ringers who rehearse on a Saturday morning from 10:30am to midday at the Church.
- 01273 492442
- nick@nickcryer.plus.com
Sustainable Henfield 2030
Sustainable Henfield 2030 (SH2030) is a locally-based group for people who want to help reverse both the climate crisis and the decline in the natural world.…
- 07771 817948
- info@sustainablehenfield2030.org
- sustainablehenfield2030.org
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The Arts Society Henfield
The Arts Society Henfield meets on the second Monday of the month (except for July & August) at 2:30pm. They have a varied programme of fascinating and…
- 01273 491124
- henfield@theartssociety.org
- theartssociety.org

Tottington Woodlanders
The Tottington Woodlanders are a group of volunteers who maintain Tottington Wood for the benefit of wildlife, preserve ancient skills and educate the general…
- 01273 493316
- m.c.knight@btinternet.com
- tottingtonwoodlanders.org.uk
Woodmancote & Henfield WI
The Woodmancote and Henfield WI (Women's Institute) are a thriving group, who have been in existence in the village, since 1981. Women of all ages are welcome…
- 01273 960150
- pamewen56@hotmail.com
- west-sussex.thewi.org.uk