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Saltdean Jazz Band
We are a community band that welcomes players of all instruments and all abilities. No auditions - just come along and join in. We meet Thursday evenings…
- saltdeanjazzband@gmail.com
- saltdeanjazzband.co.uk

Sing Meraki Music Group
Come and join our friendly natural voice singing community and see what we are all about. You are welcome just as you are, No experience needed as everything…
- 07907729096
- singmeraki@gmail.com
- singmeraki.wixsite.com

St Peter's Handbell Ringers
St Peter's Church has a group of handbell ringers who rehearse on a Saturday morning from 10:30am to midday at the Church.
- 01273 492442
- nick@nickcryer.plus.com

St Peter's Parish Choir
A new adult (16+) choir has been formed in the Parish of Henfield, Shermanbury and Woodmancote, please join us! We rehearse at St Peter's Henfield and will…
- 07973 315413
- sidonie.winter@live.co.uk
- henfield.org

Steyning Jazz Club
Admission; members £7, guests £12 & students £7.
- 01903 814017
- info@steyningjazz.co.uk
- steyningjazz.co.uk

Sussex Chorus
Sussex Chorus (formerly Ditchling Choral Society), is one of the South East's leading choirs, performing four times a year in Mid Sussex. Singers from all…
- 01273 843203
- d459williams@gmail.com
- sussexchorus.org

Sussex Harmonisers
The Sussex Harmonisers is a male voice chorus singing in the Barbershop style. We’re a friendly bunch of guys from all walks of life who share a common love of…
- 07971 406924
- contact@sussexharmonisers.org.uk
- sussexharmonisers.org.uk

Vivace! Choir
Vivace! is a lively, fun, small mixed choir, with an extremely varied musical repertoire - anything from ABBA to Swingle, from Baroque to Rock. The choir has a…
- 01273 300716
- info@vivacechoirsussex.org.uk
- vivacechoirsussex.org.uk

Vocal Fusion Acapella
Based in Steyning, Vocal Fusion sings a four-part close-harmony acapella repertoire embracing the styles of American song, swing, jazz, modern and popular…
- 01444 482183
- vocalfusionacapella@gmail.com
- vocalfusionacapella.co.uk