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Henfield Self Help Group
The Henfield Self Help Group is a club for companionship. It provides the opportunity for older people, and those who are vulnerable, who often live alone, to…
- 01273 494335
- stephen.dexter2@btinternet.com
Know Dementia
Know Dementia is a Sussex based charity providing advice and support to people living with dementia and their family members/carers. Much of the support is…
- 01273 494300
- info@knowdementia.co.uk
- knowdementia.co.uk
Partridge Green Area Response Team (PART)
PART (Partridge Green Area Response Team), is a group of trained volunteers, equipped with emergency medical equipment, particularly oxygen and defibrillators…
- 07887 537167
- contact@pgcfr.co.uk
- pgcfr.co.uk
Partridge Green Horticultural Society
The Partridge Green Horticultural Society is a friendly and informal group of local gardeners, and we are delighted to welcome anyone (of any age and…
- 01403 711763
- Susiejacobsen@hotmail.com
- pghorticulturalsociety.org

Come along to the Henfield Leisure Centre to try our new indoor bat and ball game, Pickleball. Played with two-four people on a very small court, it is similar…
- 01273 494984
- info@henfieldleisure.co.uk
- henfieldleisurecentre.co.uk
Shine for Life CIC
Our key aim is to improve wellbeing for all: the land, wildlife and people. The Field of Dreams is a Community Conservation Care Farm and home to Shine for…
- gabrielle@shineforlife.co.uk
- shineforlife.co.uk
St Peter's Bereavement Support Group
Losing someone we love is one of the hardest things we have to face. When someone close dies, the world can seem a lonely and empty place. At times like this…
- 01273 495532
- admin@henfield.org
- henfield.org
Sussex Pathfinders Rambling Club
Sussex Pathfinders Rambling Club is an independent club whose members share a common interest in walking in the Sussex countryside and sometimes beyond.…
- 07842 792962
- sprcinfo@sussexpathfinders.org.uk
- sussexpathfinders.org.uk
Walking Football
Readers might understandably think that the picture is from the final audition for Daniel Craig’s successor as 007. But no, it is the Henfield Walking Football…
- 07919 453039
- richardrandall250@gmail.com

Wellbeing Walking Group
A good walk is so much more than stretching your legs. It’s one of the easiest ways to improve our health and stay connected to our community. Just 30 minutes…
- 01403 215111
- info@horshamdistrictwellbeing.org.uk
- horsham.gov.uk