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Elizabeth Robins of Backsettown POSTPONED
SORRY, THIS EVENT IS POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The Small Dole Tuesday group welcome Alan Barwick to their first evening talk of 2025: Elizabeth Robins of…

Intergenerational Music Fun
Hosted at Red Oaks Care Home and bringing pre-schoolers and their parents together with older adults who love the energy of little ones! No singing or music…

Community Sing-Along
Hosted at Red Oaks Care Home, a new weekly Community Sing-Along session, open to everyone. No singing or music experience is necessary, the sessions are…

Aid for Ukraine Collections
Henfield collections for the Hope & Aid Direct shipments of aid to Ukraine. Please spread the word to any friends, society or group that you belong to. If you…

Wellbeing Workshop
As part of Henfield's Year of Care & Wellbeing, we invite you to join our FREE Wellbeing talk & meet up. Come along and hear from Susie Russell-Smith on how to…
NatWest Mobile Banking
Community mobile bank visiting the Henfield Hall car park every Thursday, for all your banking needs.

Dial-a-Ride Shopping Trip
Community Transport Sussex (also known as Bluebird) provide a once-weekly, Monday Dial-a-Ride service to Tesco & Marks and Spencer at Holmbush, Shoreham. Every…

Henfield Community Clothes Rail
Help the planet, help yourself! The Henfield Community Clothes Rail is back at Henfield Leisure Centre with free nearly new autumn/winter babies and children’s…

Tea and Chat
Join us at Henfield Library for a friendly get-together at our monthly Tea and Chat afternoons. Come and enjoy a free tea or coffee whilst chatting with others…

Carers' Cafe
Head along to Henfield Haven Cafe to join the welcoming team for a friendly and relaxed morning supporting carers. All are welcome to attend this drop-in…

Coffee Morning
Pop along to The Henfield Hall for The Woodmancote and Henfield WI's coffee morning. Admission is £1.50pp, which includes tea/coffee and biscuits. There will…

Henfield Haven Community Lunch
Everyone is welcome to the Henfield Haven Community Lunch, in association with Peter's Church, Henfield. It takes place one Sunday a month, usually the 2nd…