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Vintage Haberdashery: A talk
The Woodmancote and Henfield WI would like to invite people to join them for this month's speaker, Elizabeth Betts who will lead a talk about vintage…
NatWest Mobile Banking
Community mobile bank visiting the Henfield Hall car park every Thursday, for all your banking needs.

Fun Quiz
A Fun Quiz at the Henfield Hall to raise funds for Henfield Scout Community Centre Building Appeal. Get a team together, come along and enjoy a friendly…

Dial-a-Ride Shopping Trip
Community Transport Sussex (also known as Bluebird) provide a once-weekly, Monday Dial-a-Ride service to Tesco & Marks and Spencer at Holmbush, Shoreham. Every…

Intergenerational Music Fun
Hosted at Red Oaks Care Home and bringing pre-schoolers and their parents together with older adults who love the energy of little ones! No singing or music…

Community Sing-Along
Hosted at Red Oaks Care Home, a new weekly Community Sing-Along session, open to everyone. No singing or music experience is necessary, the sessions are…

Henfield Community Clothes Rail
Help the planet, help yourself! The Henfield Community Clothes Rail is back at Henfield Leisure Centre with free nearly new autumn/winter babies and children’s…

Tea and Chat
Join us at Henfield Library for a friendly get-together at our monthly Tea and Chat afternoons. Come and enjoy a free tea or coffee whilst chatting with others…

Henfield Haven Community Lunch
Everyone is welcome to the Henfield Haven Community Lunch, in association with Peter's Church, Henfield. It takes place one Sunday a month, usually the 2nd…
Henfield Repair Cafe
The Repair Cafe will be at the Haven on the third Saturday of each month between 10.00-12.00. Don’t bin it - mend it! Come along and bring your broken…

Steyning Grammar School Exhibition and Reunion
This event is aimed at all pupils who attended Steyning Secondary School, Steyning Grammar School and the new combined Steyning Comprehensive School, in the…

Join The Woodmancote and Henfield WI in playing a game of skittles led by Nick Peniston-Bird. It will be a fun afternoon with tea and cake! New members very…