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Mainly Music
Mainly Music is a weekly, 2 hour programme for pre-school aged children run by Henfield Evangelical Free Church The 30 minute music sessions are full of songs…

Intergenerational Music Fun
Hosted at Red Oaks Care Home and bringing pre-schoolers and their parents together with older adults who love the energy of little ones! No singing or music…

Community Sing-Along
Hosted at Red Oaks Care Home, a new weekly Community Sing-Along session, open to everyone. No singing or music experience is necessary, the sessions are…

Zumba Gold with Jo
Zumba Gold with Jo is specially designed to offer a low-impact workout that doesn’t compromise on the fun factor. Say goodbye to the days of high-intensity…

Circle Dance
We dance to lovely recorded music from all parts of the world, some of which is contemporary and some traditional. We have a Circle Dance teacher leading us…

Sing Meraki Woman & Baby Singing Circle
A friendly music group for parents and babies. No experience necessary, new voices are welcome anytime! Open to all women, babies are also incredibly welcome.…

Rhyme Time
Henfield Library invites children under 5's accompanied by their parent or carer to this fun and free music session. Rhyme Time is a fun way for under 5s to…

Henfield Ukulele Group
Henfield Ukulele Group meets every Thursday at 1:30pm in the Henfield Evangelical Free Church Hall just opposite the Post Office. We meet for two hours and…

Henfield Parish Choir
The Henfield Parish Choir rehearse every week, in preparation for their choral events throughout the year - including a Requiem for Remembrance and Christmas…

Ninebarrow are a multi-award-winning folk duo, who are impressing audiences across the country with their innovative and captivating take on the folk…

VE Day 80th Anniversary Celebrations!
The Henfield Hall team are very excited to announce their VE Day 80 th Anniversary Celebrations! The wonderful Three Penny Piece and Jiving Jim Dandy will be…

Henfield Common Fair & Show
The team organising the 2025 Henfield Fair would love to invite you to save the date, with further information to follow. Please note the date has changed from…