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Walking Netball
Walking Netball group at Henfield Leisure Centre on Wednesday mornings (11am-12pm) costing only £5 per session. Brought to you by two specially trained Walking…

Pickleball drop-in sessions
Come along to the Henfield Leisure Centre to try our new indoor bat and ball game, Pickleball, for a Wednesday evening drop-in session under the guidance of…

Tai Chi & Chi Gong Classes
Learn these ancient Chinese arts and improve your posture, balance, circulation and general wellbeing. Beneficial to people of all ages with basic physical…

Zumba Gold with Jo
Zumba Gold with Jo is specially designed to offer a low-impact workout that doesn’t compromise on the fun factor. Say goodbye to the days of high-intensity…

Sing Meraki Woman & Baby Singing Circle
A friendly music group for parents and babies. No experience necessary, new voices are welcome anytime! Open to all women, babies are also incredibly welcome.…
Haven Thursday Club
The Thursday Club at the Henfield Haven is great for anyone who'd like some company, entertainment, social time and a delicious two course home-cooked lunch!…

Short Mat Bowls
Come and join the informal ‘Friday Friends’ to play short mat bowls. The game is basically the same as lawn bowls except that we keep dry even on wet days! A…

Walking Football
We play indoors at the Henfield Leisure Centre at 9:30am on Monday mornings and we always welcome more players. There is no need to book, just come along and…

Henfield Badminton Club
We are a small friendly group of very mixed abilities who play Tuesday evenings at the Leisure Centre from 7-8pm. We have two courts running, and currently…

Bump to Baby Postnatal Drop-in
Our volunteer run postnatal drop-ins are specifically for new parents (i.e. parents of pre-crawling babies) and provide support and an opportunity to socialise…

Getting the most from the NHS app
Henfield Computer Club invite you to join them for their next presentation all about how to use the NHS App and how to get the best from it. The NHS App…

Join The Woodmancote and Henfield WI in playing a game of skittles led by Nick Peniston-Bird. It will be a fun afternoon with tea and cake! New members very…