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100 Days of Wildlife in a Suburban Garden
Sustainable Henfield invites you to a free amusing talk by Michael Blencowe about what he observed in his garden in Small Dole over lockdown. Light…

Birdsong Walk
Join bird expert and ecologist Tom Forward for a walk around Wakehurst and learn bird songs and calls. Imagine a walk where as you go, you can recognise the…

Dawn Chorus Walk
Rise early and immerse yourself, at Wakehurst, in one of nature’s most beautiful gifts - morning birdsong. Our gardens provide the perfect backdrop to enjoy…
Green Gardening Group
Join us at the Henfield Haven for the Haven Green Gardening Group. Gardening can be wonderfully addictive and it's so good for your health and wellbeing.…

Tea & Plant Swap
Join The Steyning & District u3a for a Plant Swap and to find out more information on the group. The Steyning & District u3a ‘Tea & Plant Swap’ is free for u3a…

“Ghosts, Guns and Guerilla Gardening”
Join Henfield Garden Club for a talk “Ghosts, Guns and Guerilla Gardening” The talk will be led by speaker Steve Bustin. Steve gardens in the city garden in…

Henfield Garden Club Spring Plant Sale
Spring Plant Sale & Coffee Morning at the Henfield Hall. Plants for sale at bargain prices, please bring any plant donations on the day, you can expect a…

Gardens & Arts Festival 2025
SAVE THE DATE: Henfield Festival of Gardens and Arts is an annual community event that raises money for local charities. We invite Henfield residents to open…

Small Dole Summer Fayre
After a two year break the Small Dole Summer Fayre is back, and for the first time the show will be extending into the evening. Traditional horticultural…

"Growing and Showing Daffodils"
Join Henfield Garden Club for a talk "Growing and Showing Daffodils" The talk will be led by speaker Richard Hilson. Richard is a daffodil enthusiast and has…

William Robinson: A talk
Join Henfield Garden Club for a talk “A talk on the life and works of William Robinson, an Irish practical gardener and journalist” The talk will be led by…