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Pickleball drop-in sessions
Come along to the Henfield Leisure Centre to try our new indoor bat and ball game, Pickleball, for a Wednesday evening drop-in session under the guidance of…

Mainly Music
Mainly Music is a weekly, 2 hour programme for pre-school aged children run by Henfield Evangelical Free Church The 30 minute music sessions are full of songs…

Community Sing-Along
Hosted at Red Oaks Care Home, a new weekly Community Sing-Along session, open to everyone. No singing or music experience is necessary, the sessions are…

Lancing College Open Events
Lancing College would like to extend a warm welcome to families looking at school places. Senior School (Year 9 Entry) Saturday 18th January Saturday 8th…

Games Afternoon
Join The Friends of Saint Peter's Church for board games, laughter and companionship. A board games’ afternoon with tea/coffee and cakes is held in the Church…

Henfield Community Clothes Rail
Help the planet, help yourself! The Henfield Community Clothes Rail is back at Henfield Leisure Centre with free nearly new autumn/winter babies and children’s…

Annual Ploughing Match & Exhibition
Join Sussex Rural Events for their Annual Ploughing Match & Countryside Exhibition. The Ploughing Match is a contest where each person ploughs part of the…

Annual Ploughing Exhibition
Join Sussex Rural Events for their Annual Countryside Exhibition. The Exhibition, dating from the 1900's, is a private collection of all things rural, from…
Abilitea Place Open Day
Abilitea Place will open it's door to the public for the first time at the end of April with an Open Day. It will be a great opportunity for the whole family…

Gardens & Arts Festival 2025
SAVE THE DATE: Henfield Festival of Gardens and Arts is an annual community event that raises money for local charities. We invite Henfield residents to open…

Henfield Common Fair & Show
The team organising the 2025 Henfield Fair would love to invite you to save the date, with further information to follow. Please note the date has changed from…