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Henfield Weekly Market
The Henfield Weekly Market takes place at the Henfield Hall every Monday. There are lots of great stalls, food suppliers and the cafe will be open for tea,…

Silly Moo Cider Spring Morris Dance
Join Trenchmore Farm for a day of celebrating the arrival of spring with music, dancing & delicious food. Enjoy homegrown cider & burgers whilst watching…

Trenchmore Farm's Spring Market
Join Trenchmore Farm for their Spring Market. There will be 15 food & drink producers from Sussex, plus wagyu burgers, sourdough pizza, a coffee truck & ice…
Good As New Sale
The Warren playgroup is holding its good as new sale full of children’s clothes and toys, amazing raffle prizes and a cake sale.

Trenchmore Farm's Market
Join Trenchmore Farm for another wonderful market There will be 15 food & drink producers from Sussex, plus wagyu burgers, sourdough pizza, a coffee truck &…