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Elizabeth Robins of Backsettown POSTPONED
SORRY, THIS EVENT IS POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The Small Dole Tuesday group welcome Alan Barwick to their first evening talk of 2025: Elizabeth Robins of…

Henfield History Group
Henfield History Group was formed in 2000. We hold monthly presentations on local, national or sometimes international history from a variety of speakers.…

Medieval Barcelona: A World Apart
Join The Arts Society Henfield for this months talk, presented by Ian Cockburn. Catalonia has a long and turbulent history of continuous opposition,…

Annual Ploughing Match & Exhibition
Join Sussex Rural Events for their Annual Ploughing Match & Countryside Exhibition. The Ploughing Match is a contest where each person ploughs part of the…

Annual Ploughing Exhibition
Join Sussex Rural Events for their Annual Countryside Exhibition. The Exhibition, dating from the 1900's, is a private collection of all things rural, from…

VE Day 80th Anniversary Celebrations!
The Henfield Hall team are very excited to announce their VE Day 80 th Anniversary Celebrations! The wonderful Three Penny Piece and Jiving Jim Dandy will be…
"Geology and Painting: The Geography of Art"
Join The Arts Society Henfield for this months talk, by Stephen Taylor: Geology and Painting: The Geography of Art. Stephen Taylor, artist and art historian,…

Stories from the Sussex Downs
The Small Dole Tuesday Group welcome back the excellent historian and speaker Ian Everest for this talk. He will present his illustrated talk about the Stories…
Murders and Misdemeanours
Small Dole Tuesday Group welcome back Paul Green who will present criminal cases over 100 years old and to agree if they are guilty or not. Visitors are…