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Green Gardening Group
Join us at the Henfield Haven for the Haven Green Gardening Group. Gardening can be wonderfully addictive and it's so good for your health and wellbeing.…

Birdsong Walk
Join bird expert and ecologist Tom Forward for a walk around Wakehurst and learn bird songs and calls. Imagine a walk where as you go, you can recognise the…

Sip & Seek: Golden Easter Egg Hunt
To celebrate Easter Albourne Estate are bringing back their Golden Easter Egg Hunt around the vineyard on the 19th & 20th April, 11am to 6pm. Join Albourne…

Stoolball Training Session
Blackstone Stoolball 2025 training sessions start back in April! Come along and give it a try. Playing Tues or Thurs evenings (alternate) at the Allfield…

Trenchmore Farm's Spring Market
Join Trenchmore Farm for their Spring Market. There will be 15 food & drink producers from Sussex, plus wagyu burgers, sourdough pizza, a coffee truck & ice…

Gardens & Arts Festival 2025
SAVE THE DATE: Henfield Festival of Gardens and Arts is an annual community event that raises money for local charities. We invite Henfield residents to open…

Silly Moo 7 with RunBrighton
Take part in a 7km fun run around Trenchmore Farm. Entries are limited so please book online. The run will cross the orchard, fields, woodlands and farm…

Trenchmore Farm's Market
Join Trenchmore Farm for another wonderful market There will be 15 food & drink producers from Sussex, plus wagyu burgers, sourdough pizza, a coffee truck &…