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Elizabeth Robins of Backsettown POSTPONED
SORRY, THIS EVENT IS POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The Small Dole Tuesday group welcome Alan Barwick to their first evening talk of 2025: Elizabeth Robins of…

Wellbeing Workshop
As part of Henfield's Year of Care & Wellbeing, we invite you to join our FREE Wellbeing talk & meet up. Come along and hear from Susie Russell-Smith on how to…

Henfield Computer Club
The Henfield Computer Club meet every Wednesday. Whether you’re an existing member or someone wishing to join, we look forward to welcoming you. If you have…

Birdsong Walk
Join bird expert and ecologist Tom Forward for a walk around Wakehurst and learn bird songs and calls. Imagine a walk where as you go, you can recognise the…

“Ghosts, Guns and Guerilla Gardening”
Join Henfield Garden Club for a talk “Ghosts, Guns and Guerilla Gardening” The talk will be led by speaker Steve Bustin. Steve gardens in the city garden in…

Henfield History Group
Henfield History Group was formed in 2000. We hold monthly presentations on local, national or sometimes international history from a variety of speakers.…

Integrated Approaches & Acupuncture therapy for improved health
The Nuffield Health Brighton are hosting a special FREE 'Meet Our Expert' event with Dr. Carolyn Rubens, Medical Acupuncturist and Lifestyle Medicine Coach.…

Henfield Wild Violets WI
At the Henfield Wild Violets WI we aim to give local women the opportunity to meet and make new friends, to help broaden horizons by introducing new skills and…

Signs, Symbols and Iconography: The hidden stories in art
The Arts Society Steyning invite you to join them for their April Lecture: Signs, Symbols and Iconography: The hidden stories in art. To unravel the hidden…

Medieval Barcelona: A World Apart
Join The Arts Society Henfield for this months talk, presented by Ian Cockburn. Catalonia has a long and turbulent history of continuous opposition,…

Henfield Probus Club with Trevor Hodgson
Join The Henfield Probus Club for their monthly meeting. The group meet on the 3rd Tuesday, monthly, at 12 noon in the bar at the White Hart, and then at…

The Arun Valley Postcard Trail
Join the Woodmancote and Henfield WI for their April talk, ‘The Arun Valley Postcard Trail’. The talk will be led by Tony Pratt from the Wey and Arun…