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Fun Quiz
A Fun Quiz at the Henfield Hall to raise funds for Henfield Scout Community Centre Building Appeal. Get a team together, come along and enjoy a friendly…
Henfield Weekly Market
The Henfield Weekly Market takes place at the Henfield Hall every Monday. There are lots of great stalls, food suppliers and the cafe will be open for tea,…

Games Afternoon
Join The Friends of Saint Peter's Church for board games, laughter and companionship. A board games’ afternoon with tea/coffee and cakes is held in the Church…

Trefoil Guild Coffee Morning
The Henfield Trefoil Guild welcome you to their Coffee Morning at The Henfield Hall. Raffle Cakes Bric a Brac Books Puzzles £1.50 entry to include tea/coffee…

The Henfield Ball
St Peter's Primary School PTA would love to invite you to join them for this exciting new event. Tickets are £30 each which includes a drink on arrival,…

Henfield Garden Club Spring Plant Sale
Spring Plant Sale & Coffee Morning at the Henfield Hall. Plants for sale at bargain prices, please bring any plant donations on the day, you can expect a…

Gardens & Arts Festival 2025
SAVE THE DATE: Henfield Festival of Gardens and Arts is an annual community event that raises money for local charities. We invite Henfield residents to open…