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VE Day 80th Anniversary Celebrations!
The Henfield Hall team are very excited to announce their VE Day 80 th Anniversary Celebrations! The wonderful Three Penny Piece and Jiving Jim Dandy will be…

Henfield Probus Club
Join The Henfield Probus Club for their monthly meeting. The group meet on the 3rd Tuesday, monthly, at 12 noon in the bar at the White Hart, and then at…

Silly Moo 7 with RunBrighton
Take part in a 7km fun run around Trenchmore Farm. Entries are limited so please book online. The run will cross the orchard, fields, woodlands and farm…

Trenchmore Farm's Market
Join Trenchmore Farm for another wonderful market There will be 15 food & drink producers from Sussex, plus wagyu burgers, sourdough pizza, a coffee truck &…

Henfield Common Fair & Show
The team organising the 2025 Henfield Fair would love to invite you to save the date, with further information to follow. Please note the date has changed from…