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NatWest Mobile Banking
Community mobile bank visiting the Henfield Hall car park every Thursday, for all your banking needs.
Haven Thursday Club
The Thursday Club at the Henfield Haven is great for anyone who'd like some company, entertainment, social time and a delicious two course home-cooked lunch!…

Henfield Ukulele Group
Henfield Ukulele Group meets every Thursday at 1:30pm in the Henfield Evangelical Free Church Hall just opposite the Post Office. We meet for two hours and…

Henfield Community Clothes Rail
Help the planet, help yourself! The Henfield Community Clothes Rail is back at Henfield Leisure Centre with free nearly new autumn/winter babies and children’s…

Tea and Chat
Join us at Henfield Library for a friendly get-together at our monthly Tea and Chat afternoons. Come and enjoy a free tea or coffee whilst chatting with others…

Carers' Cafe
Head along to Henfield Haven Cafe to join the welcoming team for a friendly and relaxed morning supporting carers. All are welcome to attend this drop-in…

Henfield Wild Violets WI
At the Henfield Wild Violets WI we aim to give local women the opportunity to meet and make new friends, to help broaden horizons by introducing new skills and…

Henfield Haven Community Lunch
Everyone is welcome to the Henfield Haven Community Lunch, in association with Peter's Church, Henfield. It takes place one Sunday a month, usually the 2nd…

Henfield Probus Club with Trevor Hodgson
Join The Henfield Probus Club for their monthly meeting. The group meet on the 3rd Tuesday, monthly, at 12 noon in the bar at the White Hart, and then at…

Parkinson's Café
If you have Parkinsons and wish to meet up with others, come along to the Henfield Haven Café on the last Wednesday of every month between 10.30am-11.45am for…

Abilitea Place Open Day
Abilitea Place will open it's door to the public for the first time at the end of April with an Open Day. It will be a great opportunity for the whole family…

Henfield Probus Club
Join The Henfield Probus Club for their monthly meeting. The group meet on the 3rd Tuesday, monthly, at 12 noon in the bar at the White Hart, and then at…